VR Graphing Calculator with GTXR

Fall 2022

Every week during the fall semester our team met up twice: one whole team meeting to discuss the plans for the week, and one sub-group productivity meeting (usually just Ilkin Mammadli and I) that usually lasted anywhere between 2 and 5 hours. During this whole semester, we learned a lot about coding in C++ with Unity, as we had to create every asset through code. For example, the vector is made up of a cylinder that has to look at whatever coordinate parameter we give to it, but because the center of the cylinder is in the center, we had to find the midpoint and adjust the height of the cylinder properly. On top of that, the cone at the tip of the cylinder has to exhibit the same behavior, except its height can’t be stretched. That semester, we also added the ability to grab and drag vectors, which was admittedly janky because we couldn’t figure out the controller grab button interaction properly with our time crunch. We also added billboard coordinate text that followed your head to show the coordinates of each vector. It was extremely rewarding every time I walked home from a work session at night. It’s also worth noting that we presented our project at an event where a Meta recruiter and engineer came to Georgia Tech.